She's Back On Crack

Mint Chicks gig. Dunedin. March 3.
The Mint Chicks are ace. Support bands F in Math and Thundercub also very enjoyable and danceable! I especially liked F in Math's cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds with a DnB chorus! I want a voice robotizer...thing. Oh, the Mint Chicks. Their second song was a fovourite of mine (She's back on crack), and I got so excited that I ran into the crowd to get down and funky, forgetting about the stupid shoes I was wearing and the vast numbers of drunken freshers surrounding me. I promptly sprained my ankle and had to spend the rest of their set standing on the side lines doing a sort of one-legged shuffle. This one definitely goes on my Top Ten Dumbest Things I Have Done list. I don't actually have such a list, but perhaps I should compile one? Could be amusing. In short, a fantastic and memorable gig! Here's what I wore...
I would like to blame my new 'seismic' tights for my little fall, but in reality, it was most likely the Number One shoe $20 shoes...
Pashmina from a shop in Galway, Ireland
T-shirt from mother
Necklace homemade-ish
Skirt thrifted
Tights from Arthur Barnetts (they have the HUGEST collection of stockings I have ever seen!)
Shoes, I hate you.
haha, snap! simultaneous posting. amyzing. so glad you had a good time. I didn't go in the end. i am too too poor. however, deerhoof in auckland!!