Seasonal Inspiration in Dress (and a new haircut/hack)
I have had long hair all my life (apart from an unfortunate couple of years in my mid-teens), but, as it is in my nature to want what I don't have, the grass is always greener, etc, I have been craving a short haircut for a few years now. Yesterday, I finally mustered up the courage (and perhaps a touch of madness?) to chop it off. Since I always cut my own hair, I did it myself. It's a bit rough - I didn't really consider that it is a lot more difficult to cut your own hair if you can't pull bits around from the back of your head. So, I have booked in with a professional tomorrow, who will hopefully do something stylish and wonderful with it. Until then, I kind of like the grunginess. Hence my grunge-and-autumn inspired outfit:

I am wearing my cherry docs, but, whoops, I cut my feet off. I need a tripod. Balancing camera on windowsill/box/hanging from a tree is starting to get old.

Rose cardigan - from Butterflies (Dunedin's preeminent op-shop)
Shirt - from an op-shop in Edinburgh (though they call them 'charity shops' there) and it is made in NZ!
Skirt - home-made by yours truly out of an old lady op-shop skirt (from Butterflies again I think)
Petticoat - from when I was about 5
Tights - Penny's in Ireland
Now I'm listening to Fiona Apple. She is lovely. Perfect rainy Sunday music.
Lovely Alex! you make my heart sing... and dream of all things librarian, bookish, delightful, hipster, elusive, every day, fabulous, DIY, fresh, seasonal, salad days, naive and sophist. Love you! X