Fk u 2

///////////////////######/////////We###### seek_________ a +++++++++??????>..slogan,**(*****; and||||||\\\|||\\\\\ find____ only -------the````````` old ..............................ones.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
11111!!!!!!!We################# need##,,,,,<<<< a """"""""revolution,} but |||settle''"""'"""
for++++++++++ bad ++++++++++++++++++++++++manners.+============================================|||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\###################
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((- April Bernard))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Edit: 19.12.10
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave this post suspended, a 14-year-old question mark with eyeliner for 'hello'. It's about rebellion, obviously, and some of its dorkier aspects. The April Bernard quote stopped me in my tracks. It made me feel silly for all the times I'd felt principled by being careless. In the spirit of things, I put it in a messy camouflage of characters to imitate the 1990's grunge design phenomenon that is David Carson, see typography (naff, irritating, unreadable). But mostly, and also to imitate Hypertext Markup Language, because internet hacking seems especially popular right now (even if you are too cool to protest nearly every hipster worth their salt has an opinion on the internet, and sincyberly wishes Julian Assange all the very best). The stoner art and disc / peace sign skirt were a nod to 1990's imitation of 1970's aesthetic of resistance. Lastly, Bratmobile.... bratty, breathless, deliciously juvenile. Oh, and me. Some sort of large gecko with moths. Prom satin. Straightened hair. Just another girl following the 1990's like it's some kind of resistance movement. Juergen Teller over-exposure, grunge pretty, rude / naive.
You gorgeous punk you. Pizza....perfume? Interesting...unusual. Monday I will find blogging motivation. Day off. Yes. xxx